Who is Fryer & Associates?

KELLY FRYER: Catalyst, Executive Strategist, Vision Partner, Teacher, Rule Breaking Nani


EMMA FRYER: Executive Strategist, International Communications Leader, Problem-Solver, Budding Woodworker


TANA FRYER, AKA “THE RV FOODIE”: Human-Centered Designer, Truth Teller, Small Business Coach, Aspiring Novelist

ETHAN FRYER-RESSMEYER: Certified Leadership Coach & Trainer, Critical Thinker, Organizational Strategist, Rock Climber

Kelly Fryer brings 15-years of consulting experience plus an extensive background in nonprofit leadership to her work with clients. Prior to her 2018 human-rights centered campaign for governor, Kelly served as CEO of Arizona’s oldest gender equity and racial justice organization, Executive Director of a statewide organization that works to elect women to public office, and National Communications Director for a worker justice organization. From 2001-2010 she served as president and co-founder of ARE Books and A Renewal Enterprise, an international consulting firm with clients in the nonprofit and faith-based sector. She started her career as an ordained minister and Asst Professor of Leadership at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota. Kelly helped launch the nonprofit management program at the UA Eller College of Management, has served as an adjunct lecturer in the McGuire Center for Entrepreneurship, and is a Flinn-Brown Fellow. She is delighted to be Nani to a growing number of little ones and knows how lucky she is to be teammates with some of her favorite people.


Emma Fryer has more than a decade of experience in executive leadership and C-Suite roles in the corporate, nonprofit and political sectors. She is a certified Interim Executive Director, serves as a Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust ATLAS Consultant, and is certified as a Nonprofit Lifecycles Capacity Consultant. Previously, Emma served as Chief Strategy Officer and Interim CEO for a women-led, women-focused philanthropic foundation, where she built the advocacy and communications department from the group up and facilitated the strategy for a regional to statewide expansion. Previously, as Head of UK Marketing for a Fortune 500, top 4 global toy company, she built an international division that reversed years of sales decline and put a portfolio of 20+ brands into growth in just one year. She also founded Emblaze Communications, where she supported a variety of nonprofits and small businesses, ran a statewide political campaign, and became the crisis communications “go-to” expert for some of Arizona’s highest profile political leaders. She is an aspirational woodworker who loves the outdoors and has lived, worked, and hiked on three continents.


Tana Fryer is an interior designer by education and training, with experience in commercial and retail space design and management for spaces from 500 sq ft to a million+. She brings a human-centered design perspective to every project, including  organizational strategy, business coaching, and leadership development. Previously, she served as co-founder and lead consultant at A Renewal Enterprise and ARE Books, where she helped hundreds of organizations “do what matters.” But, having owned Blu A Wine & Cheese Shop and helping Sand Reckoner Winery launch their first tasting room in Tucson, AZ, she is especially passionate about supporting entrepreneurs and the folks who make life delicious. Today, as The RV Foodie, she is telling the story of mission-driven food & beverage businesses across the US and leveraging her experience to help them pivot for success in the post-Covid era.


Ethan Fryer-Ressmeyer, ACC, is an aerospace engineer, a Certified Professional Coach (CPC, ACC) from iPEC (Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching), a Certified Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner (ELI-MP) and a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF). In addition to his own coaching practice, Ethan brings over a decade of leadership experience from a Fortune 50 engineering firm where he coached senior leaders, led strategy and implementation for enterprise-wide coaching programs, and developed executive training content and strategy. The motivation to support others in their development and to achieve tangible, sustainable results are front and center in Ethan’s coaching. His clients come from varied sectors including nonprofit and philanthropy, law, engineering, education, insurance, manufacturing, and small business. He centers himself through yoga and meditation, making music, and doodling.